🎉 Exciting News! Sunday School Now Welcoming Younger Children – Starting Spring 2025
We are excited to share that our SRF Toronto Sunday School is launching new classes for younger children! Starting in March, we will welcome students as young as 4 years old, expanding our programs for ages 4 to 17. To register, please 📩 email  us at sundayschool@srftoronto.org. Registration forms are available, and we look forward to welcoming your little ones this spring!

SRF Toronto Sunday School

A School of Meditation
for Children & Teens

“Properly organized schools are gardens where infant souls are grown and nurtured. The care and spiritual nourishment of the early life of a human plant usually determines its later development.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda 🪷

Purpose & Goals

The SRF Toronto Sunday School offers children and teens, ages 4 to 17, a joyful and enriching experience based on Paramahansa Yogananda’s How-to-Live teachingsThe program aims to inspire students to:

  • Realize their oneness with God.
  • Build a personal, loving relationship with the Divine.
  • Connect with other fellow truth-seekers on the spiritual path.
  • Foster reverence and devotion for God and the Gurus.

Class Structure

Each class introduces children to Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings, helping integrate their principles into daily life through activities such as:

  • Meditation
  • Prayer and Chanting
  • Story-based Lessons
  • Lesson-related Activities (crafts, games, etc).

Lessons vary and center around themes essential to spiritual growth, such as will, energy, self-control, devotion, concentration, meditation, the soul, love and friendship, creativity, service, wisdom, and more.

After each class, students are invited to gather for a Food Prayer and snacks while they wait for their parents or guardians to pick them up.

Schedule & Location

Classes are held two Sundays per month at the SRF Toronto Centre (Suite 405, 18 Wynford Drive, North York, ON) with age-specific sessions:

  • Primary Class: 4 to 7 years of age *NEW! Starting in March 2025
  • Junior Class: 8 to 12 years of age
  • Teen Class: 13 to 17 years of age 

Please note: Volunteers are available 15 minutes before and after class to assist students. After turning 18, youth graduate from Sunday School and are encouraged to attend regular service at the Centre’s Main Chapel.

For the Primary and Junior Class schedules through June 2025, please see below. (Note: The Teen Class is currently on hold until more registrations are received.)

Our Volunteer Teachers

Many of the teachers have served as long-time SRF Sunday School teachers, and a number of them work professionally as teachers. All teachers and assistant teachers have completed extensive training in age-appropriate instruction, classroom management and youth protection, as required by SRF Youth Services.

Contact Information

For more information about registering a child or volunteering with the SRF Toronto Sunday School, please contact us at sundayschool@srftoronto.org

How Can Parents and Guardians Support Sunday School Participation?
  • Ensure students are pre-registered before attending Sunday School classes.
  • Use the Sign-In/Sign-Out Sheet when dropping off and picking up students.
  • Whenever possible, arrive 10-15 minutes early to help your child feel relaxed and prepared for class.
  • Provide your child with an offering for the Offertory, which symbolizes love and loyalty to the SRF Gurus.
  • Encourage regular attendance, while allowing participation to remain voluntary and joyful.
  • Set an example of kindness, love, and spiritual practice to inspire your child.
  • Foster spiritual growth by attending special commemorative services with your child.

“True education is not so much the pumping in of intellectual knowledge and book learning as it is the bringing out, or releasing, of the intuitive soul-knowledge within man.”

— Sri Daya Mata 🪷