Home for Toronto Centre of SRF

Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) was founded in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda for the purpose of disseminating Kriya Yoga, a path of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God.

The importance of deep meditation is felt more than ever in our daily lives!

Self Realization Fellowship  (Yogoda Satsanga Society of India ) was founded by Paramahansa Yogananda  to disseminate scientific yoga techniques being passed down the ages by ancient saints and masters of India.
People of all faiths and religions come together at our SRF temples and meditate to achieve realization of the Self and Fellowship with others. Please visit SRF celebratesInternational Day of Yoga 

The Toronto Centre of Self Realization Fellowship  (legal name Toronto Yogoda Meditation Centre) needs your help!

We are in the process of acquiring a permanent location in Toronto, Canada for the attendees of our meditations and services, and for those interested in learning more about Yogananda’s teachings of tolerance and acceptance.  

You can help us realize this dream by donating $20, $50 or $100.

Divine Giving
In helping others to succeed I shall find my own prosperity. In the welfare of others I shall find my own well-being. 
-Paramahansa Yogananda

We have charitable status in Canada.

In Divine Friendship,

Toronto Yogoda Meditation Centre

PS. Please watch this small video from the documentary Awake .
Visit our Facebook Page

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No Credit or Visa Debit Card information is retained in our system.

You can donate to help us purchase a property by sending us a cheque made out to “Toronto Yogoda Meditation Centre”. This is the unique legal name under which we are incorporated and have charitable status with Canada Revenue Agency.

Our Address:
Toronto Centre of Self-Realization Fellowship,
2510 Yonge Street, Suite 207, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M4P 2H7

A donation by cheque will eliminate credit or debit card processing fees.

Donation of Stocks or Bonds: You can eliminate the payment of capital gains tax on the sale of stocks or bonds by transferring them to us.  As a registered charity we do not pay tax and would be able to sell these for you and provide a tax receipt for the full sale price.

International Wire Transfer: Friends or relatives living abroad can send money by international wire transfer directly to our bank account

Please contact us for more information

A tax receipt will be sent to you at the end of the year consolidating all your donations for the year.
Charitable registration No.: 76327 2895 RR0001
If you have any questions, please call 1-877-666-3662 or you can use the form
Your contribution will help Master’s work in Toronto and is greatly appreciated.